Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Popcorn and being out of ketosis-Sophie

I went to a dance club and was having some fun with friends.  We were throwing popcorn at each other and catching it in our mouths.

I thought that having a few peices couldnt hurt....boy was I wrong!  It was all fun that time, and I got really into it.  We made a huge mess and a lot of the popcorn ended up on the floor.

I was really tired for the next 3 days and i feel tired and lethargic and really sleepy when i have carbs.  This is why I like to stay low carb.  I thought the feelings would go away after a couple of days on their own but they didnt because i was knocked out of ketosis.  So yesterday, I did the sensible thing and decided to go on a fat fast, thats where i made sure 90% of my calories came from fat.  I had my 65 grams of protein so i could make sure i do not use muscle mass. i only had .4 grams of carbs which was 2 cups of cooked kale.  I woke up today feeling good an refreshed and swore never to have popcorn again.  This fat fast really did the trick, I only did one day of it and i felt good. I did not do it for 3-5 days as recommended when you are on a stall or need to get back into ketosis.  one day was enough.

each time i cheat and have carbs it does not end too well, so i keep that to  a minimum. i do not like to cheat because i like my progress.  Some people can carb up one day a week and it works for them, but for me I just don't like the icky feeling that carbs give me so I tend to stay away from them.

I am back in ketosis!!!! I am so happy to be in fat burning mode.  I feel energetic, i feel lively and I feel like my good old happy self

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